Imagine having someone who not only listens but truly hears the unspoken dreams and fears that reside within you. Someone who offers more than just advice; someone who's been there themselves, who provides a sanctuary of understanding and clarity. Someone to help you unearth the deep truths that lie beneath your surface, illuminating paths you might have overlooked or never deemed possible.

five reasons to hire a consciousness specialist




J, a 38-year-old fire chief, was referred to us after experiencing a traumatic breakup of a long-term relationship. One of the youngest fire chiefs in the nation, talented, productive, and a self-admitted workhorse, J was putting in 60+ hour weeks at the station, putting himself under an immense amount of stress, trying to cope with the breakup by using work as a distraction. J struggled immensely with processing the grief of the breakup and had a history of anxiety and perfectionism.


The Initial Sessions

In our first sessions, we created a safe, intimate space where J could talk about his emotions freely, something he admitted he had never really done before. In our first few sessions together, we simply talked about all of the events that had led him up to this point in his life, allowing space for emotions to naturally arise and express themselves. As we discussed previous relationships and events, we came to realize that J was severely struggling with his sense of self-worth - always putting others' wants and desires before his own, leading to less-than-fulfilling relationships that only supported the other person, and not him.


Uncovering Deep Truths

As we started to work into the concept of self-worth, we were finally able to open a necessary grieving process for J - not just grieving the relationship that had just ended, but for all of the times in his life when he felt unworthy and less than - all the way from the time he was a little boy to the man he was now. Through hands-on somatic / emotional release work, emotional regulation education, and metaphysical coaching to see the events of his life, and himself, through a new perspective, J was able to begin to see himself as absolutely worthy of respect, love, time, and rest all on his own - not because of what he can provide for others.


Transformation and Growth

Over the course of several months, J came to his sessions dutifully, knowing that each time he stepped in the room was an opportunity to help himself, which in turn, helped the communities that he served as a fire chief. He stopped resisting and pushing down his emotions, instead choosing to make time and space for his emotional processing when he was at home, allowing tears or sadness or anger or frustration to come up, express healthily, and release, no longer storing them in his body. After a year, J finally felt ready to re-enter the dating scene, finally feeling like he could have standards - wants and needs in a partner. Since then, he's navigated a few breakups and 'meh' dates with relative ease - quite literally shrugging his shoulders and moving on, now knowing what he's worth! He's also been able to establish boundaries around his work, and while still at times needing to work extra, he's sure to use his PTO and go on solo trips - something that, by his own admission, would have been out of the question before his coaching experience.


Through this process, J was finally able to come to terms with his emotions, learning how to process and regulate them in a healthy way, releasing fear and discomfort around emotional expression. He was also able to adopt a new perspective on his past, understanding his own story, developing a sense of empathy and compassion for himself, and understanding the mental patterns and coping mechanisms that developed along the way.


J still sees us for sessions every once in a while as he feels they're needed while also regularly seeing an EMDR therapist, which is a fantastic, complementary therapy for this work. J's story is an amazing example of the healing and understanding that can be achieved with this type of individualized, intimate work.



A, a 49-year-old working mother to two graduating children, was beginning the empty-nest phase of her life when she decided to start investing time into rediscovering and exploring who she was after nearly two decades of dedicating her life to her children. A struggled with many severe gastrointestinal issues, binge eating, self-image issues, and unresolved trauma from her childhood that resulted in the adoption of many negative mental and emotional patterns to cope.


The Initial Sessions

Since A was interested in both rediscovering and reinventing herself, in our first sessions, we decided to create a physical visual of A's lifetime up until that point, represented as a timeline with event markers for every prominent memory, whether positive or negative. As she started to reminisce on her past, especially her childhood and teenage years, A started to realize the profound effects that those events had on her, all these years later, shocked to realize how much they had unconsciously informed her eating habits, her thought processes, her self-image, her emotional responses, and even her physical issues.


Uncovering Deep Truths

We decided to take each 'event' on the timeline one by one, one session at a time, for deep processing and healing through the use of metaphysical counseling, guided hypnotic regression, hands-on energy work (somatic healing), and sound + vibration therapy. Each session was profound, with emotional releases, new insight and clarity, and most of all, increased self-understanding and self-forgiveness. A arrived to each session prepared for another transformation and insight, eventually finding the process both rewarding and enthralling, even if negative or heavy emotions did surface.


Transformation and Growth

A worked with us regularly for an entire year, and her transformation was life-changing. Her physical gastrointestinal issues settled down considerably, fading into the background. After understanding that her disordered eating came from a lifetime of living underneath her mother, a diet extremist, she was able to forgive herself for coping in the only way she knew how at the time. After releasing her self-imposed guilt and shame around the coping mechanism, A was able to see it clearly enough to start catching herself when she felt triggered to binge eat, reminding herself that that was the old way of coping, but that she wanted to do it differently now. After some practice, A was able to finally gain control over her disordered eating, finding freedom and peace in being able to choose to respond differently.


A was also able to work through the root of her self-image issues, which started with a traumatic intimate experience when she was a teenager. Through a guided hypnotic regression, A was able to go back through the timeline and 'rescue' her teenage self from the situation, bringing her back into the present-day, where as an adult, A had the experience and tools to comfort her past self. This resulted in a beautiful healing and reunion with the inner child, the inner teenager, the little girl. And as a bonus, through healing and reconnecting with her own inner child and becoming her own parent, A was also able to start seeing her parents as their own inner children, with their own wounds and traumas, leading to forgiveness and healthy detachment from the events of her childhood.


A still sees us for sessions as needed, when she feels that she's had a particularly stressful period in her life, or even just to go on a new journey of self-exploration and healing. By being supported through the process once before, A has seen the beautiful rewards and insights that can come with this type of work, and continues to pursue it, unburdened by what once weighed her down.



Sierra LaFreniere-Dujmovich (Awakened Asgardian)

  • B.S. Biological Science, concentration in Animal Behavior & Bioenergetics (Purdue University, 2018)
  • B.S. Metaphysical Science, concentration in Quantum Theory (University of Sedona, 2020)
  • Reiki I, II, III, & Master
  • 500-HR Certified, TRAUMA-INFORMED Yoga Instructor; 80-HR Aerial Yoga Instructor
  • Certified Sound & Vibration Therapist (Harmonic Waves Healing)
  • Certified Priestess, Crystal Healer, Alchemist, and multi-year Soul Shift graduate (Sage Goddess – Athena Perrakis, Ph.D.)

I am a guide who walks beside you, not leading or following bur journeying alongside you as you explore the layers of your own consciousness in tandem with the collective consciousness. I am a lantern in the dark, illuminating the previously unseen paths around you. I do not dictate the direction you should take - I simply open your eyes to all that is truly present around you so that you may consciously choose your experiences in this incarnation. Choosing your experience is not the same as choosing your situation: at one time or another, we all must bend the knee to the laws of this particular dimension of Earth. However, the choice of how we experience what life presents us is always ours - and there is always far more than just one choice. You deserve to be aware of all the options. I am here to aid you in developing that awareness.


What's a coaching session like?

The first part of our session is spent checking in: how are you? What's been going on since we last met? We'll go over any soul-work, too, if we decided to do any between your last session and now. Then we'll dive into what you're looking to work into, what you want clarity on, discussing it through a metaphysical perspective, illuminating different insights. Sessions can include hands-on energy work and sound + vibration therapy to aid in the integration of the information and to help you process any emotional or physical energy in your body. Before you leave, we'll do one last check-in - answering any questions, verbally processing any energy, and deciding on any soul-work to do before the next session.

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What people say about it


This was honestly one of the most incredible experiences I have ever had in my life.


What can I say about the role you've played in my life and healing journey? You are such a gifted healer and teacher. Thank you for sharing your gift with all of us. The world is better because you're in it, and my life is better because I know you. Thank you.


I want to take a moment to pause and tell you how much I appreciate you. Thank you for all you do - the guidance, your wisdom, your patience, your willingness to be so flexible and giving, and so much more. I learn more and more from you every day,


The most kind, thoughtful, wonderful, and truly amazing people in life do not know the magnitude of the real impact they have on the lives of others. Thank you for being you and sharing your gifts. You have such a beautiful soul and I'm very grateful to have been able to experience your gifts and knowledge firsthand.




Are you currently a student in university or high school? What about an elementary, middle, or high-school teacher? First responder (fire, EMS, police)? You're qualified to receive a discounted rate for Consciousness Coaching! Send an e-mail with a photo of your student or teaching ID to get the discounted rate.


Come prepared for your first session by downloading the new client intake form!

To start getting into the right headspace and your wheels turning, download this printable PDF intake form and, when completed, send it over prior to your first session.